Elizabeth Banks was too old to be cast as Mary Jane in "Spider-Man." Too Old at 28.

Dear Hollywood,

One question: 

Why are men allowed to age and women aren't? Toby Maguire was essentially the same age as Banks at the time and he was cast as high school student Peter Parker / Spider-Man. However, y'all thought a 28-year-old Banks too haggard to star opposite Maguire as Mary Jane. Get over yourselves. 

Women age just like men. Sometimes we even age phenomenally like George Clooney (e. g. Kate Winslet, Angela Bassett, Elizabeth Banks). Other times, time isn't as kind and we follow more of an Al Pacino path. Don't get me wrong. I love Pacino. He will always be my Michael Corleone, but time has tap danced hard across his face. What's more, it will eventually do the same to all of us. So why insist on this bullshit? I guess I lied. Turns out I had two questions. 

Kind Aging Regards,


Elizabeth Banks: I was 'too old' for Spider-Man girlfriend role at 28 - theguardian.com